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Fly ash can partly take the place of _

Fly ash can partly take the place of ______.

  • A paving material
  • B cement
  • C concrete
  • D the coal by-product

答案为B。根据第一段倒数第二句,and can replace up to 20 percent of the cement used in concrete, "replace"相当于“take the place of”


1、That place is()the south of the city.

That place is()the south of the city.AatBinConDto

2、The purpose of the ashing step in grap

The purpose of the ashing step in graphite-furnace atomic-absorption spec-troscopy is to()AVaporize metal atoms to be analyzedBCause the metal s...

3、The ash content of a fuel oil is signi

The ash content of a fuel oil is significant to the operating engineer because it ()Ais an indication of the amount of noncombustible materi...

4、● Data can be (74) to another part of

● Data can be (74) to another part of the spreadsheet. The original data remains.(74)A copied and pastedB cut and pastedC copied and cutD cut and moved

5、Which of the following may take place

Which of the following may take place if the clearance of the main bearings are excessive?()Abearing knocksBdropping of pressure of LOCnoisesDall the above

6、( )can be considered as part of risk

( )can be considered as part of risk mitigation.A Risk identificationB Purchasing insuranceC Assessment of outcomesD Assessment of probabilities