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We are going to have a singing party t

We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?()

  • AI'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
  • BOf course not. I have no idea.
  • CNo, I can't.
  • DThat's all set.

1、33. —Excuse me,where are we going to h

33. —Excuse me,where are we going to have our.class meeting?—Im not sure. Ask our monitor,please. He _________ know.A canB mayC needD shall

2、9. They are going to watch a football

9. They are going to watch a football match _______5:00 pm _______ TV.Aat,inBat,onCof,onDat,of

3、If weather (), we’ll go for a picnic t

If weather (), we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow. 【permit】  如果天气状况允许,我们明天会去郊游。

4、We are invited to a party  _____

We are invited to a party __________ in our club next Friday.Ato be heldBheldCbeing heldDholding

5、We go to the cinema()a week.

We go to the cinema()a week.AoftenBonceCseldomDusually

6、I have been()that we are to shift from

I have been()that we are to shift from the wharf to buoys No.12 and No.13.AnotedBnoticedCnotificatedDnotified