The words of the buyer left a()impression on his mind.
- Along
- Blively
- Clasting
- Dliberal
The words of the buyer left a()impression on his mind.
1、Which of the following words contains
Which of the following words contains an inflectional morpheme?ADisappear.BBlacken.COxen.DAnti-pollution.
2、Should the Buyers of the vessel cause
Should the Buyers of the vessel cause undue delay they shall()for the losses thereby incurred.Anot indemnify the BuyersBindemnify the BuyersCnot compensate the SellersDcompensate the Seller
3、He impressed()the importance of hard w
He impressed()the importance of hard work.Ato meBon meCwith meDfor me
4、The visitors are impressed by the hosp
The visitors are impressed by the hospitality of the local people.AfriendlinessBbanquetCpresentDcapability
5、白细胞核左移(“shift to the left” of neutroph
白细胞核左移(“shift to the left” of neutrophils)
6、Not until most of the people had left
Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.Athat he sawBhad he seenCdid he seeDthat he had see