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The difference between “gentlemaninw

The difference between “gentlemaninwaiting” and “journeyman” is that .

  • A[A] education trained gentlemaninwaiting to climb higher ladders
  • B[B] journeyman was ready to take whatever was given to him
  • C[C] gentlemaninwaiting belonged to a fixed and high social class
  • D[D] journeyman could do practically nothing without education

细节题。解题的关键在于考生对文中关于两类人的论述的把握。文章第一段末句提到,教育成了培训,学生也不再是等在那里的绅士,而是要提升自己经济地位的熟练学徒。由此可知,“学徒”与“绅士”的不同就是,绅士不用将教育当成工具去努力争取社会地位,因此可以推测出绅士们属于较高的社会阶层。\[C\] 为正确选项。文中提到教育训练学徒们而非绅士爬上更高的阶梯,所以[A] 项错误,[B]项和[D] 项在文中没有提及。


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