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No oil or mixture containing oil()into

No oil or mixture containing oil()into singapore waters from any vessel.

  • Ashall noe be discharged
  • Bshall be discharged
  • Cshall be filled
  • Dshall noe be filled

1、() fuel oils () lubricating oils requi

() fuel oils () lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.ABoth;andBNeither;norCEither;orDBoth;or

2、When fighting an oil or gasoline fire

When fighting an oil or gasoline fire in the bilge,which of the following should NOT be used?()AFoamBSolid stream water nozzleCAll-purpose nozzleDCarbon dioxide

3、An oil water monitor is required in or

An oil water monitor is required in order to measure ().Athe oil content in waterBthe water content in fuel oilCthe water level in bilge wellDthe oil level in bilge well

4、As for an oil-fired boiler if at a no

As for an oil-fired boiler if at a normal steaming condition and water goes out of sight in gauge glasses the action you should take is: (...

5、An uncontrolled flow of gas,oil,or oth

An uncontrolled flow of gas,oil,or other well fluids into the atmosphere is called a().AFlowBBreakoutCKickDBlowout

6、An uncontrolled flow of gas,oil,or oth

An uncontrolled flow of gas,oil,or other well fluids into the atmosphere is called a().AflowBbreakoutCkickDblowout