可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶辅机题库,海船船员考试题库
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As you approach mile 659.4 AHP,you see

As you approach mile 659.4 AHP,you see on the right descending bank a flashing green light. This light marks().

  • Aa lock that is open
  • Ba sunken barge
  • Ca dolphin,water intake and discharge
  • Dthe end of a wharf

1、From what direction()you approaching?

From what direction()you approaching?AareBisCamDbe

2、Nice to see you. I()you for a long tim

Nice to see you. I()you for a long time.Ahaven't seenBdidn't seeChadn't seenDdon't see

3、As you approach Old River Control Stru

As you approach Old River Control Structure Light you see a flashing amber light. You should().Anavigate as close to the left descending bank...

4、英语“See you later”的含义是“()”。

英语“See you later”的含义是“()”。AA、再见BB、下午见CC、下星期见DD、一会儿见

5、You are approaching the pilot station

You are approaching the pilot station with the wind fine on the starboard bow and making about 3 knots.You can help to calm the seas by tak...

6、As you approach mile 427.6 AHP,you see

As you approach mile 427.6 AHP,you see on the right side a white buoy with orange bands and diamond. This buoy marks().Aa cable crossingBa sunken bargeCa submerged discharge pipeDthe end of a wharf