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The muster list shows each rig hand’s

The muster list shows each rig hand’s muster station,his duties during abandonment,basic instructions,and().

  • Aall emergency signals
  • Binstructions for lowering the survival craft
  • Cthe time each weekly drill will be held
  • Dwork schedule

1、Shaking hands when people meet each ot

Shaking hands when people meet each other for the first time is practiced as a()way of greeting.AconventionalBconservativeCconstantDconvenient

2、Cisco路由器执行show access-list的命令显示如下一组信息S

Cisco路由器执行show access-list的命令显示如下一组信息Standard IP access list blockdeny,wildcard bits logdeny,wildcard ...

3、While reading the muster list, you see

While reading the muster list, you see that "three short blasts on the ships whistle and the same signal on the general alarm bells" is the signal for ().Aabandon shipBdismissal from drillsCfire and emergencyDman overboard

4、To ensure the safe operation of each s

To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the Company and those on board, every Company, as appropriate, should...

5、The Muster List (“Station Bill”) of a

The Muster List (“Station Bill”) of a ship must be signed by the().Aperson in chargeBCoast Guard marine inspection officerCcompany safety directorDentire crew

6、Where should muster lists be posted?()

Where should muster lists be posted?()AIn crews accommodation spacesBOn the navigating bridgeCIn the engine roomDAll of the above