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Pagoda a is a religious building of th

Pagoda a is a religious building of the Far East, especially a many-storied Buddhist tower, erected as a memorial or shrine.()

  • A帕勾达乃宗教建筑,特别是在远东一带,指的是一种多层楼的佛教塔楼,用作纪念堂或神龛。
  • B八宝塔是一种远东的建筑物,与宗教有关,特指多层的佛塔,专作纪念或朝圣仪式之用。
  • C佛教有宝塔,修筑在远东;尤指多层楼,纪念朝圣用。
  • D宝塔是远东的一种宗教建筑,尤指一种多层的佛塔,作为纪念塔或神龛而修建。

1、A charge of fresh air is drawn into th

A charge of fresh air is drawn into the engine cylinder and then () by the moving piston() very high pressure.Apressed;toBpressurized;withCpushed;inDcompressed;to

2、A customer is looking to build a virtu

A customer is looking to build a virtual desktop infrastructure on an IBM platform. What metrics will be most useful in determining the storag...

3、The(1) is a general description of th

The(1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the ...

4、()is not a process of weathering of th

()is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.AEmulsificationBSedimentation / SinkingCOxidation including photooxidationDBurning organized by RCC

5、A tropical storm is building strength

A tropical storm is building strength some distance from your ship. Waves are coming from the east,with periods increasing from 5 seconds to ...

6、A wedge of water building up between t

A wedge of water building up between the bow and nearer bank which forces the bow out and away describes().Abank cushionBbank suctionCcombined effectDbend effect