目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

She sat there with nothing ______ exce

She sat there with nothing ______ except play with her cat.

  • A to do
  • B doing
  • C done
  • D to be done

    17.答案为A  句中except后的play是动词,其逻辑丰语是句子的主语,空白处应填入动词不定式的主动形式,其逻辑主语也是句子的主语。


1、10. She couldn’t help __________ when

10. She couldn’t help __________ when she heard the news.AlaughBto laughClaughingDlaughs

2、______the news, she jumped with joy.

______the news, she jumped with joy.A HeardB HearingC To hearD To be heard

3、Everything comes with ____price;there

Everything comes with ____price;there is no such__________ thing as free lunch inthe world.Aa,aB the, /C the, /Da,

4、9.—_________ does she like blue?—Becau

9.—_________ does she like blue?—Because the color makes her happy.AWhenBWhyCHowDWhere

5、______ had we sat down than the teleph

______ had we sat down than the telephone rang.A AlmostB No soonerC HardlyD Just

6、2. She prefers _______ go by train ___

2. She prefers _______ go by train _______ by air.A to; ratherB to; rather thanC /; rather thanD /,rather