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I regret()you of the accident.

I regret()you of the accident.

  • Ainform
  • Binforming
  • Cto inform
  • Dwill inform

1、On the day of the accident, part of th

On the day of the accident, part of the old road ______.A was damagedB was broadened to make traffic easierC was under repairD was closed to cars

2、I regret()that I'm unable to help you.

I regret()that Im unable to help you.AsayingBto sayCsayDsaid

3、Let()the real fact of the accident.

Let()the real fact of the accident.AI tell youBme to tell youCI to tell youDme tell you

4、I regret()the trouble I have caused yo

I regret()the trouble I have caused you.AtoBatCforDo

5、You notice that the performance of you

You notice that the performance of your production 24/7 Oracle database significantly degraded.Sometimes you are not able to connect to the inst...

6、In case of accidents()the risk of sink

In case of accidents()the risk of sinking,all effective measures shall be taken to steer clear of the fairway to avoid()the traffic.Ainvolving/impedingBinvolved/to impedeCinvolving/to impedeDinvolved/impeding