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______________he was an old customer,

______________he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off theprices of the goods.

  • AGave                               
  • BTo give that   
  • CGiven that                         
  • DGiving that

【译文】考虑到他是老顾客,老板给他买的商品打了九五折。  【考点】固定句型 【解析】given that可以理解为considering,意为“考虑到”。根据题意,故选C。


1、4. He is a good _________ He likes ___

4. He is a good _________ He likes ________very much.A music,musicB musician,musicianC music,musicianD musician,music

2、With so many eyes ______on him, he was

With so many eyes ______on him, he was too nervous to speak.A fixedB fixingC to fixD being fixed

3、He was ______to director.

He was ______to director.A acceleratedB liftedC raisedD promoted

4、My brother was told that he _______ go

My brother was told that he _______ go to meet them at the airport.A need not toB needed not toC need notD didn’t need

5、8. The boy is old enough to _______ hi

8. The boy is old enough to _______ himself.Adress inBget dressedCbe dressedDdress

6、When __________be was he had become a

When __________be was he had become a famous artist.Ahis early thirtyBin one’S early thirtiesChis early thirtiesDin his early thirties