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You have applications that have freque

You have applications that have frequently executed queries, and produce small and static result sets.You configure the sqlnet.ora file in the client machine to set a nonzero value for the OCI_RESULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE parameter. What is the purpose of this configuration?()

  • A to avoid round trips to the server by enabling caching of query results in client memory
  • B to improve performance by storing a copy of the data from the private SQL area of the PGA
  • C to enhance the query performance by creating a cache in the client memory for sorting operations
  • D to avoid the storing of query plans and results in the server by creating a cache in the client memory
分类:OCP 11G认证考试题库

1、You have a network that supports VLSM

You have a network that supports VLSM and you need to reduce IP address waste in your point to point WAN links. Which of the masks below would you use?()A/38B/30C/27D/23E/18F/32

2、You have a portable computer that run

You have a portable computer that runs Windows Vista.You use Windows Internet Explorer 7 to browse to a Web site that is Really Simple Syndic...

3、You have a Web application that is co

You have a Web application that is configured for personalization. You need to access personalization data from one of the pages of the Web a...

4、You have a computer that runs Windows

You have a computer that runs Windows Vista. You create a virtual private network (VPN) connection between the computer and your company’s...

5、You have a domain controller that run

You have a domain controller that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2).You need to prestage 1,000 computer accounts.Which tool should you use? ()ACompmgmt.mscBDsadd.exeCDsmove.exeDSysdm.cpl

6、You have a computer that runs Windows

You have a computer that runs Windows Vista.You connect to your company’s network by using a virtual private network (VPN) connection. You...