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A cloud sequence of cirrus,cirrostratu

A cloud sequence of cirrus,cirrostratus,and altostratus clouds followed by rain usually signifies the approach of a(n)().

  • Aoccluded front
  • Bstationary front
  • Cwarm front
  • Dcold front

1、A low,uniform layer of cloud resemblin

A low,uniform layer of cloud resembling fog,but not resting on the ground,is called().AcumulusBnimbusCstratusDcirru

2、The sequence of parts in a generally

The sequence of parts in a generally used fuel oil supply system for a main engine is ()(1)tanks in the double bottom(2)centrifuges(3)service...

3、()is a silvery cloud in the front of f

()is a silvery cloud in the front of feathers or fibres seen high up against a blue sky.ACirrostratusBCirrusCCirrocmulusDAltostratu

4、Which of the following sequence of com

Which of the following sequence of commands should be used to list the directories and files saved on a mksyst tape that has been rewound an...

5、Cirrus clouds are composed primarily o

Cirrus clouds are composed primarily of().Aice crystalsBwater dropletsCsnow crystalsDnitroge

6、A cloud of marked vertical development

A cloud of marked vertical development (often anvil-shaped) would be classified as().AcirrusBcirrocumulusCaltocumulusDcumulonimbu