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His wife thought Christopher suddenly

His wife thought Christopher suddenly quit his job because he______.

  • Acouldn't wait to get promoted
  • Bhad experience in interior design
  • Cwanted to do something he enjoyed
  • Dcouldn't bear the pressure from his job




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3、Christopher Columbus () eighteen years

Christopher Columbus () eighteen years () planning for that wonderful voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.Aspends;inBspent;onChas spent;onDhad spent;i

4、His wife,()you met at my house, has go

His wife,()you met at my house, has gone to Australia.AthatBwhichCwhomDwhose

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6、Joe Ryan initially thought his problem

Joe Ryan initially thought his problem was______.Aeasy to settleBdifficult to settleCimpossible to solveDunnecessary to solve