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Passage FiveHelen Keller was born a he

Passage FiveHelen Keller was born a healthy normal child in Alabama in 1880. However, an illness with a high fever struck her when she was still a child. She became deaf, blind, and unable to speak. For little Helen, the world was suddenly a dark and frightening place. She was wild and stubborn. everal years later a miracle came into Helen's life when Anne Sullivan, a strong and loving person, became Helen's teacher. Miss Sullivan's teaching changed the child into a responsible human being. Through her help Helen Keller learned to communicate with those around her, and as she grew older, others benefited from her unique insights and courage. Miss Keller died in 1968, but her spirit lives on. It lives on in her articles and books and in the stories of people who were fortunate enough to meet her during her lifetime.51. Why was Helen Keller blind, deaf and unable to speak?

  • A Because she'd been born that way.
  • B Because a horse had kicked her.
  • C Because she'd had a very high fever.
  • D Because she'd had a bad fall.

答案为 C。根据题干找到第二句,However,an illness with a high fever struck her 作出该项选择。


1、He was () a box on his shoulder.

He was () a box on his shoulder.AcarryingBkeepingCbringing

2、When he was a boy, Mark Twain dreamed

When he was a boy, Mark Twain dreamed of traveling on river boats to______A become a riverboat pilotB gather material for his booksC make moneyD enjoy himself

3、He was a young sailor on his first sea

He was a young sailor on his first sea()AjourneyBtripCtravelDvoyage

4、Not a single word _ when he was forced

Not a single word _ when he was forced to leave home and join the army in 1937.Adid Mark leaveBleft MarkCdid leave MarkDMark left

5、When he was a young boy, a serious dis

When he was a young boy, a serious disease deprived him of the()of hearing.AorganBpossessionCconductDfaculty

6、Passage FiveBilly Joel was born on Lon

Passage FiveBilly Joel was born on Long Island, in New York State. He began taking piano lessons at an early age and joined his first rock ...