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The FIRST treatment for a surface burn

The FIRST treatment for a surface burn is to().

  • Awash the burned area with a warm soap and water solution
  • Bflood,bathe,or immerse the burned area in cold water
  • Ccover the burned area with talcum powder and bandag it cover the burned area with talcum powder and bandage it tightly
  • Dleave the burned area exposed to the atmosphere

1、The best treatment for preventing trau

The best treatment for preventing traumatic shock after an accident is to().Ahave the victim exercise to increase circulationBkeep the victim from electrical equipmentCkeep the victim warm and dry while lying downDapply ice packs and avoid excitement

2、The first requirement for logical trou

The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to ().Acollect all available data on a casualtyBrecognize normal operationCidentify the probable cause of a symptomDisolate the faulty component

3、Which should NOT be a treatment for a

Which should NOT be a treatment for a person who has received a head injury and is groggy or unconscious?()AGive a stimulantBElevate his headCStop severe bleedingDTreat for shock

4、The examples given for the first kind

The examples given for the first kind are________.Awhistles and sirensBdoorbells and telephone bellsCchurch bells and telephone bellsDtypewriters and cash registers

5、The first treatment given to a person

The first treatment given to a person overcome by benzene vapor should be to().Aremove them to fresh airBflush their face with water for about 5 minutesCstand them up and walk them aroundDremove their clothing and wrap them in blanket

6、A man has suffered a burn on the arm.

A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present. How is this injury classified using standard medical terminology?()ADermal burnBThird-degree burnCMajor burnDLethal bur