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()is the population of Paris?

()is the population of Paris?

  • AHow many
  • BHow much
  • CHow
  • DWhat

1、()part is the most densely populated r

()part is the most densely populated region in America.AThe southernBThe northeasternCThe wester

2、The population of the earth()increasin

The population of the earth()increasing fast. One third of the population here()workers.Ais;areBis;hasbeenCare;isDis;wa

3、The population of the world is growing

The population of the world is growing at a dangerous()AmeasureBrateCincreaseDprogre

4、The population of the U.K. is more tha

The population of the U.K. is more than ()million.

5、The population of the earth()increasin

The population of the earth()increasing fast.AisBareCwereDhave bee

6、What()the population of the USA?

What()the population of the USA?AisBareChaveDha