可学答题网 > 问答 > 物流英语综合练习题库,物流员(四级)题库
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How much is the percent of air transpo

How much is the percent of air transportation in all modes?()

  • ALess than 1%      
  • BLowest      
  • CLower            
  • DLow



1、Air conditioning is the process of tre

Air conditioning is the process of treating air to control () its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the comfort requ...

2、The dew point of air is reached when t

The dew point of air is reached when the wet bulb temperature is ().ATwice the dry bulb temperatureB10℃ above the dry bulb temperatureC5℃ above the dry bulb temperatureDEqual to the dry bulb temperature

3、The scavenge air receiver is of a simp

The scavenge air receiver is of a simplified and modular design with integral non-return flaps, hanging cooler and two auxiliary air blowers()AdozensBparcelsCbundlesDgallo

4、The effective temperature of air is d

The effective temperature of air is dependent upon()Ⅰ.relative humidityⅡ.air velocityAⅠonlyBⅡonlyCBoth Ⅰand ⅡDNeitherⅠnor Ⅱ

5、The sensible heat of air is dependent

The sensible heat of air is dependent upon the ().Adry bulb temperatureBwet bulb temperatureCsaturation temperatureDwater vapor superheat

6、The air filter is fixed in the () of a

The air filter is fixed in the () of an air compressor.Ainlet pipeBoutlet pipeCinter coolerDafter cooler