可学答题网 > 问答 > 00830现代语言学题库
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The brain’s neurological specializatio

The brain’s neurological specialization for language is called linguistic I (), which is specific to human beings.


1、The vertical component of the Earth’s

The vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic field causes induced magnetism in vertical soft iron. This changes with latitude. What corrects ...

2、When within the entrance, the vessel s

When within the entrance, the vessel should()surf islet.AnavigateBarrive atCsteer forDmaneuver for

3、( )What’s the meaning of the sentence

( )What’s the meaning of the sentence “She is blue today.”?AShe is angry.BShe is sad.CShe is bored.DShe is excited.

4、The main function of the lubrication s

The main function of the lubrication system in to enable () of a film of oil between the moving parts.Athe informationBthe formationCthe scatterDthe frictio

5、● The Internet is the worlds largest

● The Internet is the worlds largest computer (71) .(71)AnetworkBdeviceCdisplayDdisk

6、脑水肿(brain edema)

脑水肿(brain edema)