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You will find information about the du

You will find information about the duration of slack water in the().

  • ATidal Current Tables
  • BTide Tables
  • CPublications from CCS
  • DSailing Directio

1、Information about the current foreign

Information about the current foreign markets () very important to our company.AisBwasCareDwere

2、In which source could you find the num

In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area?()AChart No.1BCatalog of ChartsCIMO Practical NavigatorDIMO Light List

3、Where would you find the call sign or

Where would you find the call sign or call letters of the radio station on your ship?()AIn the rig safety manualBOn the Certificate of InspectionCOn the Ship Station LicenseDOn the rig Watch Bill

4、If you go to America, you will find th

If you go to America, you will find that there are better()by road, rail and air than in London.AtransportBtrafficCcommunicationsDvehicle

5、Where would you find the FCC authoriza

Where would you find the FCC authorization for transmitting on your ship’s EPIRB?()AOn the Ship Station LicenseBOn the side of the EPIRB transmitterCIn the radio logDOn the Certificate of Inspectio

6、You find that the

You find that the database performance degrades while you backup the PROD database usin...