可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶电气与船舶安全题库
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Great care is dedicated to the removal

Great care is dedicated to the removal of from the scavenge air()

  • Agravity
  • Bviscosity
  • Cdensity
  • Dhumidity

1、To be frank, ()is a great joy for me t

To be frank, ()is a great joy for me to win the prize.AthisBthatCitDthere

2、Care must be taken to condition the ()

Care must be taken to condition the ()in the boiler to prevent scaling, and corrosion, which can weaken the pressure vessel.AwaterBfuelCsteamDair

3、When to remove scale from the cooling

When to remove scale from the cooling spaces, acid solution () in the system can be tested from time to time by putting some on to a piece of lime.AstrengthBdenseCpercentageDvelocity

4、The news shocked the public, to great

The news shocked the public, to great concem about students’ safety at school.A having led B ledC leading D to lead

5、The process to remove exhaust gases by

The process to remove exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air is called ().AchargingBsuperchargingCstartingDscavenging

6、To lubricate the swivel or remove corr

To lubricate the swivel or remove corrosion from a fire hose coupling,you should use().AglycerineBgraphiteCkeroseneDfresh water and soa