可学答题网 > 问答 > 物流英语综合练习题库,物流员(四级)题库
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The large market share in china’s tran

The large market share in china’s transportation is ()transport.

  • Aair  
  • Brail  
  • Ctruck  
  • Dpipeline



1、In face of the current stock market, m

In face of the current stock market, most stock-holders_____.A[A] stop injecting more money into the stock marketB[B] react angrily to the devaluing stockC[C] switch their money around in the marketD[D] turn a deaf ear to the warning

2、In a transversely framed ship,the tran

In a transversely framed ship,the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXCEPT().AgirdersBlongitudinalsCside stringersDweb plate

3、In the daytime,you see a large sailing

In the daytime,you see a large sailing vessel on the beam. You know that she is also propelled by machinery if she shows().Aa basketBa black ballCa black coneDtwo black cone

4、He is not()to understand the market s

He is not()to understand the market situation.Aso quickBquick enoughCenough quickDas quick as

5、The introduction of containers in tran

The introduction of containers in transport greatly()carriage of goods.AfacilitateBspeedsCfacilitatesDeconomizes

6、The emergency communication set’s tran

The emergency communication set’s transmitter should not be tested except when()by a public radio inspector.AinspectingBinspectedCinspectsDhaving inspected