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Distress traffic()all messages relatin

Distress traffic()all messages relating to the immediate assistance required by the ship in distress, including search and rescue communications and signals for locating.

  • Aconsists of
  • Bis consisted of
  • Cconsisted of
  • Dare consisted of

1、All of the following are distress sign

All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT().AInternational Code Signal "AA"Borange-colored smokeCred flaresDthe repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arm

2、告警“BTS2 BTS1 Cell traffic Loss of all

告警“BTS2 BTS1 Cell traffic Loss of all channel VPMAENFLT、IT”,其中表示Alarmclass的是?Alarmtype的是?()ACell trafficBLoss of all channelCVPMADFLT、IT

3、All of the following are distress sign

All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT().Aa green star signalBorange-colored smokeCred flaresDthe repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arm

4、If you log a distress message,it must

If you log a distress message,it must include the().Asea stateBnames of witnessesCtime of its occurrenceDwind direction and velocity

5、Distress traffic is the communication(

Distress traffic is the communication()between the station in distress and the ships, aircraft, coast radio stations, coast earth stations and rescue centers participating in the rescue work.AexchangeBto exchangeCexchangingDexchanged

6、The distress message of a ship should

The distress message of a ship should include considerable information which might facilitate the rescue. This information should().AALWAYS be i...