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Circuit-switching technology is used i

Circuit-switching technology is used in Publish Switched Telephone Network(PSTN), Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) and code Division Multiple Access (CMDA) . It is a ( ) information transfer mode.

  • A connection oriented
  • B connectionless
  • C high bandwidth utilization
  • Dpoor real-time



1、Chafing gear is normally used().

Chafing gear is normally used().Afor portable fendersBfor ground tackleCon the inside of the hawsepipeDon mooring line

2、When is it necessary to use a public I

When is it necessary to use a public IP address on a routing interface?()A Connect a router on a local network.B Connect a router to anoth...

3、At the moment our technology is more a

At the moment our technology is more advanced than theirs, but they are()fast.Acatching upBcatching onCcatching atDcatching out

4、Technology is to the development of th

Technology is to the development of the modern society a matter of()importance.AdepressingBcompellingCsuppressingDsupreme

5、()is used for lifting cargo.

()is used for lifting cargo.AA mooring winchBA windlassCA deck craneDA lifeboat

6、Which keyword is used with the debug i

Which keyword is used with the debug ipv6 [keyword] command to troubleshoot neighbor discovery problems?()AtransactionBicmpCdiscoveryDnd