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The Mariner’s Handbook ()general infor

The Mariner’s Handbook ()general information affecting navigation and is complementary to the Sailing Directions.

  • Agiving
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  • Cgives
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1、what can we infor from the last senten

what can we infor from the last sentence of the text ?A hapiness comes from peaceful life in the countryBHealth is more important than moneyCthe harmoney betwwenn man and nature is importantDgood old day will never be forgotten

2、The mariner must be the final judge of

The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given in the Admiralty charts and other publications,since...

3、You hear the general alarm and ship’s

You hear the general alarm and ship’s whistle sound for over 10 seconds. Traditionally,this is the signal for().Aabandon shipBdismissal from fire and emergency stationsCfire and emergencyDman overboard

4、From () the mariner can know the data

From () the mariner can know the data of tide.Athe Sea PilotBthe Cargo PlanCthe Tide TableDthe Port List

5、According to the infor

According to the information presented in the following exhibit, can you tell me the reason&en...

6、()is the general meaning of the contra

()is the general meaning of the contract, bill, note and proof in the process of logistics.AA、 logistics activityBB、 logistics documentsCC、 logistics paperDD、 documents