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If a davit-launched life raft aboard a

If a davit-launched life raft aboard a vessel cannot be launched because of damage to the davit,you should().

  • Ainflate the life raft on deck
  • Broll the life raft over the side
  • Cgo to another life raft station
  • Dget a saw and cut the life raft free

1、An inflatable life raft can be launche

An inflatable life raft can be launched by().Athe floating-free method onlyBbreaking the weak link on the painterCthrowing the entire container overboard and then pulling an the operatingDremoving the securing stra

2、An inflation life raft should be lifed

An inflation life raft should be lifed back aboard the ship by using().Athe single hook at the top of the raftBtwo lines passed under the raftCthe towing bridleDAll of the above

3、If you saw flames aboard a vessel but

If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire,you would know that the().Acrew was trying to get warmBvessel ...

4、An inflation life raft is thrown into

An inflation life raft is thrown into the water from a sinking vessel, what occurs automatically after the painter trips the C02 bottles to i...

5、Personnel boarding a davit-launched li

Personnel boarding a davit-launched liferaft from a ship should be checked to assure they are not in possession of or wearing().Aoil stained ...

6、A man aboard a vessel,signaling by rai

A man aboard a vessel,signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side,is indicating().Adanger,stay awayBall is clear,it is safe to passCall is clear,it is safe to approachDa distress signal