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The harbour survived the storm owing t

The harbour survived the storm owing to____________.

  • A the shape of the harbour
  • B the arms of the bay
  • C the still water in the channel
  • D the long coast line

1、During severe storms when survival bec

During severe storms when survival becomes a major concern,it may become necessary to relieve high anchor tensions on the windward side of the...

2、Owing to the greater girth of a ship a

Owing to the greater girth of a ship amidships than at the ends,certain strakes are dropped as they approach the bow and stern to reduce the amount of plating at the ends. These strakes are called().Adrop strakesBstealersCthroughsDvoid

3、The air cylinder bottles in the surviv

The air cylinder bottles in the survival craft should be refilled with().AoxygenBnitrogenCcompressed airDnitrogen and oxyge

4、The limit switches on a ships survival

The limit switches on a ships survival-craft winch system().Astop the winch just before the craft reaches the final stowage positionBlimit the amount of cable on the drumClimit the ascent rateDstop the winch in case the craft weighs too much

5、The storm prevented me().

The storm prevented me().Ato go outBto going outCfrom being outDfrom going out

6、Owing to old data of the survey the po

Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be ().AconsideredBinsuredCrelied uponDsuspected