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We submit to your superior judgment.()

We submit to your superior judgment.()

  • A我们同意你的高超的判断。
  • B殿下判断高明,臣等钦佩之至。
  • C您断案如神,我等不得不服。
  • D足下高见,吾等折服。

1、We wih to acknowledge receipt of your

We wih to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 15,()reached us yesterday.

2、We have to claim for your delay in()of

We have to claim for your delay in()of our order.AshippingBshipmentCshipDdeliver

3、We are unable to satisfy your requirem

We are unable to satisfy your requirements,for the goods are()great demand.AinBonCofDhaving

4、We()your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to

We()your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.AgooverBhavereadCrefertoDcheckup

5、I submit this report()your record.

I submit this report()your record.AinBonCtoDfor

6、We regret()to accept your terms of pay

We regret()to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.AcannotBbeing unableCnot ableDnot be able