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In the Sargasso Sea there are large qu

In the Sargasso Sea there are large quantities of seaweed and no well defined currents. This area is located in the().

  • ACentral North Atlantic Ocean
  • BCaribbean Sea
  • CWestern North Pacific Ocean
  • Darea off the west coast of South America

1、There are two syllables in the word "m

There are two syllables in the word "motto". / əu / occurs in both syllables,but the first one is longer than the second because___.Ait is stressedBit comes before a consonantCit is in the first syllableDit comes between two consonants

2、()all ships in a large sea area being

()all ships in a large sea area being alerted, an “area call” will normally be transmitted so that only those ships in the vicinity of the distress incident are alerted.AAvoidingBTo be avoidedCAvoidedDTo avoid

3、30. There are _______in the drawer.

30. There are _______in the drawer.A10 baseballsB12 soccer balls .C 5 baseballsD a tennis racket

4、There are two syllables in the word "m

There are two syllables in the word "motto". /:əu/ occurs in both syllables, but the first one is longer than the second because___.Ait is stressedBit comes before a consonantCit is in the first syllableDit comes between two consonants

5、There has been a collision in sea area

There has been a collision in sea area of Fork.().AStand by to give assistanceBStand by to alter courseCStand by to stop engineDStand by to go aster

6、If there are () in the repair work, pl

If there are () in the repair work, please come to our duty engineer at once.Aany problemBsome problemCany problemsDsome problem