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"Please be careful,the bus will make a

"Please be careful,the bus will make a tuma head"翻译成中文为()。

  • A前方车辆将要拐弯,请您扶好坐好
  • B请照看好您的包裹
  • C这辆车是直达车,请您扶好坐好
  • D前方遇有堵车,请您耐心等待

1、Be careful()mix the inflammable cargo

Be careful()mix the inflammable cargo with that kind.Ado notBwill notCshall notDnot to

2、Care must be taken to condition the ()

Care must be taken to condition the ()in the boiler to prevent scaling, and corrosion, which can weaken the pressure vessel.AwaterBfuelCsteamDair

3、The heat generated by a fire will be t

The heat generated by a fire will be transferred through a bulkhead or dock, as a result of ().AconductionBradiationCconvectionDadvectio

4、The strong wind will make us()here for

The strong wind will make us()here for some days.ATo stayBStayingCStayDStayed

5、The car will be guided by a differenti

The car will be guided by a differential GPS system that corrects errors()in global positioning satellite signals.AarisingBriseCraiseDarouse

6、The strong wind will make us()here for

The strong wind will make us()here for some days.Ato stayBstayingCstayDstayed