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That is my CD, and()are yours.

That is my CD, and()are yours.

  • Athis
  • Bthat
  • Cthose

1、My father is a programmer and he works

My father is a programmer and he works in()AcomputerBcomputersCa computer

2、I didn't write it. That is not my()on

I didnt write it. That is not my()on the cheque.AsignalBsymbolCsignDsignature

3、Please()that my ship is ready in every

Please()that my ship is ready in every respect to load her cargo.AadvisedBto be advisedCbe advisedDare advised

4、I hereby()that my vessel is fitted wit

I hereby()that my vessel is fitted with a rudder angle indicator and an engine revolution indicator on the bridge in such a position that t...

5、At that time my ship and others were()

At that time my ship and others were()within 40 degrees of the compass.AyawingBmovingCturningDpitching

6、They are the principles()my wife and I

They are the principles()my wife and I have tried to()our family.Awhich; bring aboutBin which; bring upCon which; bring u