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The girl is jealous of her hat.()

The girl is jealous of her hat.()

  • A这个女孩嫉妒她的帽子。
  • B那个姑娘很爱惜自己的帽子。
  • C该女子对其帽颇为珍爱。
  • D女孩小心翼翼的保护自己的帽子.

1、When a vessel’s LCG is aft of her LCB,

When a vessel’s LCG is aft of her LCB,the vessel will().Atrim by the sternBtrim by the headCbe on an even keelDbe tender

2、The house is()owned by her father.

The house is()owned by her father.ApartBpartlyCpartsDa part

3、Her proposal is that the meeting ()as

Her proposal is that the meeting ()as planned.AWill be heldBShould be heldCWould be heldDIs to be held

4、()girl dressed()black is her sister Ro

()girl dressed()black is her sister Rose.AA;inBA;onCThe;onDThe;i

5、1. Mary is _________ of the three girl

1. Mary is _________ of the three girls.A the youngestB youngestC the youngerD the most young

6、The girl is()of a film star.

The girl is()of a film star.AsomebodyBsomethingCanybodyDanything