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()using the derrick at once,the goosen

()using the derrick at once,the gooseneck is bent.

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1、Please send the telegram()once.

Please send the telegram()once.AatBonCinDfor

2、()using the derrick at once, the gosse

()using the derrick at once, the gosseneck is bent.AContinueBStartCCommenceDSto

3、The damaged derrick()now.

The damaged derrick()now.Ahas repairedBis being repairedCis repairedDwill be repaired

4、The original Bill of Lading,once signe

The original Bill of Lading,once signed by the Master,is NOT().Aa receipt and proof that goods have been received on boardBsurrendered to th...

5、The system of derricks and winches has

The system of derricks and winches has been largely replaced on newer ships by cranes()it is very efficient.AwhenBbecauseCunlessDthough

6、At sea, we can use()to fix the ship’s

At sea, we can use()to fix the ship’s position.Asteering gearBLoranCrudder indicatorDlog