可学答题网 > 问答 > 海事、海关、检疫、移民局等报表题库
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The agency most concerned with a stowa

The agency most concerned with a stowaway is ().

  • ACustoms
  • BImmigration
  • CPublic Health
  • DMSA

1、Concerning the use of a stabilogauge,w

Concerning the use of a stabilogauge,what of the following cannot be found?().AMean draftBTrimCDisplacementDDeadweight

2、A ship with the TCG off the longitudin

A ship with the TCG off the longitudinal centerline inclines to an angle of().AlistBheelCtrimDloll

3、The most likely location for a liquid

The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be().Ain the pumproomBat the vent headerCat the main deck manifoldDthe midships house

4、Sense is concerned with the()meaning o

Sense is concerned with the()meaning of the linguistic form.AcontextualBrealCbehavioristDinherent

5、A user with the̳

A user with the userid of ’joe’ is unable to rsh from SYSTEMA to SYSTEMB ...

6、The etic approach is concerned with___

The etic approach is concerned with__________ 根据以下材料回答下面的题目:The Emic and Etic ApproachesResearchers who are unfamiliar wit...