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For diesel engine piston cooling, lubr

For diesel engine piston cooling, lubricating oil can be supplied to the pistons by a/an ().

  • Aoil spray
  • Boil bath
  • Coil control rings
  • Ddrilled passage through the camshaft

1、Trunk-type diesel engine pistons are m

Trunk-type diesel engine pistons are most effectively cooled by heat()Aconducted through the engine blockBconducted to water cooled cylinder wallsCconducted through the piston crownDloss to escaping exhaust gase

2、In a diesel engine cooling water syste

In a diesel engine cooling water system, a pH of 60 indicates a/an ().Aslightly acidic conditionBslightly alkaline conditionCovertreatment of waterDneutral condition of water

3、Trunk type diesel engine pistons are e

Trunk type diesel engine pistons are effectively cooled when heat is()Aradiated through the engine blockBtransferred to water cooled cylinder wallsCconducted through the piston crownDtransferred to escaping exhaust gase

4、The cooling water of the diesel engine

The cooling water of the diesel engine should be treated, because it has()Aalkale scenceBacidityCsalinityDimpurity

5、Improper cooling of a diesel engine cy

Improper cooling of a diesel engine cylinder liner due to the accumulation of scale deposits may cause ().Alow compression pressureBincreased piston wearCincreased cylinder lube oil consumptionDpoor contact between compression rings and liner

6、In a trunk type diesel engine piston,

In a trunk type diesel engine piston, the thickness of the head or crown is determined by the()Ⅰ.statically balancedⅡ.heat dissipation requirementAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCboth Ⅰ and ⅡDneither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ