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In the navigation, cause the shafting

In the navigation, cause the shafting over load most easily()

  • Astopping the main engine suddenly
  • Bchanging the main engine running direction suddenly
  • Cthe sailing from the shallow water area to the deep water area
  • Dthe ship’s trim too much

1、In the process of the shafting managem

In the process of the shafting management, special attention should be paid to()Aon the sailing, the water in the aft peak tank should be e...

2、The error in a magnetic compass caused

The error in a magnetic compass caused by the vessel’s magnetism is called().AvariationBdeviationCcompass errorDbearing error

3、The Consol navigation system,used in R

The Consol navigation system,used in Russian and Northern European waters,can be used().Afor precise navigation in coastal watersBby measuring ...

4、Air in the fuel can cause()

Air in the fuel can cause()Ahigh lube oil temperatureBblue smokeCthe engine to stopDpiston seizure

5、What caused the blackout in July 1977?

What caused the blackout in July 1977?A During a storm, lightning damaged cable.B Because of unemployment.C Heat waves had made people use too much electrical power.D Because the looters damaged the electricity supply.

6、A vessel navigate in areas near the te

A vessel navigate in areas near the termination of traffic separation schemes shall do()with particular caution.AitBthatCthisDso