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In an electro-hydraulic steering gear,

In an electro-hydraulic steering gear, any change in relative position between the synchronous receiver and the follow-up gear will result in()

  • Athe pump going to full stroke
  • Bclosing of the six-way valve
  • Cdriving the rams up against the stops
  • Da corresponding slowing or increasing of the pumped flow rate

1、Dual electro-hydraulic steering units

Dual electro-hydraulic steering units usually operate ().Awith both pumps on line at the same timeBwith one pump on standbyCwith the follow-up gear disconnectedDonly when the rudder is moved amidshi

2、The auxiliary steering gear must be ca

The auxiliary steering gear must be capable of being brought speedily into operation and be able to put the rudder over from 15 degrees on o...

3、In an electro-hydraulic steering gear

In an electro-hydraulic steering gear system, when will the variable displacement pump be placed on stroke?()AWhen the helm is at any angle o...

4、According to the way the steering gear

According to the way the steering gear is operated, the steering gear may be divided into: hand - steering, () and automatic steering.Ahydraulic steeringBfollow-up steeringCremote control steeringDair controlled steering

5、Steering gears can be arranged with hy

Steering gears can be arranged with hydraulic control equipment known as a (), or with electrical control equipment.AtelemeterBtelemanometerCtelemotorDtelemometer

6、In case of your steering gear failed,(

In case of your steering gear failed,()should be exhibited in shapes or lights.Anot under commandBrestricted in her ability to manoeuvreCrestrained by her draughtDunderway