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The giving-way vessel has a same meani

The giving-way vessel has a same meaning of().

  • Astand-on vessel
  • Bprivileged vessel
  • Cburdened vessel
  • Dhampered vessel

1、A vessel has sustained damage in a col

A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel. It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails. Who...

2、A vessel aground would show the same d

A vessel aground would show the same dayshape as a().Avessel towing a submerged objectBdredge underway and dredgingChydrographic survey vessel at anchor and surveyingDNone of the above

3、A vessel has a strong wind on the port

A vessel has a strong wind on the port beam. This has the same affect on stability as().Aweight that is off-center to starboardBincreasing the draftCreducing the freeboardDincreasing the trim

4、The vessel has stayed in port for seve

The vessel has stayed in port for seven days because she needs().ArepairsBrepairingCrepairedDbeing repaired

5、A vessel has been damaged by fire. The

A vessel has been damaged by fire. The survey shows the cost of repairs will exceed the value of the repaired vessel. This is an example of a(n)().Aconstructive total lossBsalvage lossCactual lossDpreferred lo

6、Your vessel has been in a collision. A

Your vessel has been in a collision. After assessing the damage, you begin down flooding. This will cause the KB to do what?().AFallBRemain stationaryCRiseDShift to the high side