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The terrestrial system of GMDSS consis

The terrestrial system of GMDSS consists of().

  • Aradio-telephony, DSC, Direct Printing Telegraphy,Navtex and SART
  • BINMARSAT, DSC, Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex and SART
  • Cradio-telephony,DSC,EPLRB,Navtex and SART
  • DStatus Recording system,DSC,Direct Printing Telegraphy, Navtex and SART

1、Sweating of the refrigeration system c

Sweating of the refrigeration system compressor crankcase is caused by ().Atoo much superheatBinsufficient superheatCsuction pressure too lowDexcessive refrigerant returning to the compressor

2、The purpose of the GMDSS is to()safety

The purpose of the GMDSS is to()safety of life and property at sea all over the world.ApromoteBimproveCguaranteeDboth A and B

3、With the help of GMDSS()can be alerted

With the help of GMDSS()can be alerted to a distress incident as soon as possible.Aall ships in a large sea areaBonly the sea authorities ashoreCthe SAR units ashore and at seaDthe port radios and the coast statio

4、The existing terrestrial radio system

The existing terrestrial radio system has a number of basic flaws which().Acan be overcome by using traditional techniquesBcannot be overcome b...

5、The political system of the US is base

The political system of the US is based on the following except ()AfederalismBthe constitutional monarchyCthe separation of powersDrespect for the constitutionEthe rule of law

6、The source of energy fitted in GMDSS c

The source of energy fitted in GMDSS complying vessels must be().Athe main source of energyBemergency source of electrical powerCthe reserve source of energyDall of above