可学答题网 > 问答 > 海上天气现象题库
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Recurvature of a hurricane’s track usu

Recurvature of a hurricane’s track usually results in the forward speed().

  • Aincreasing
  • Bdecreasing
  • Cremaining the same
  • Dvarying during the day

1、线路中心线 center line of track

线路中心线 center line of track

2、The edge of a hurricane has overtaken

The edge of a hurricane has overtaken your vessel in the Gulf of Mexico,and the northwest wind of a few hours ago has shifted to the west....

3、线路有效长 effective length of track

线路有效长 effective length of track

4、That half of the hurricane to the righ

That half of the hurricane to the right hand side of its track (as you face the same direction that the storm is moving) in the Northern Hemisphere is called the().Awindward sideBleeward sideCsafe semicircleDdangerous semicircle

5、The inner cloud bands of a hurricane,w

The inner cloud bands of a hurricane,when viewed from a distance,form a mass of dense,black cumulonimbus clouds called the().Abar of the stormBeye of the stormCfunnelDfront

6、The eye of a hurricane is surrounded b

The eye of a hurricane is surrounded by dense black cumulonimbus clouds which are called the().AWall cloudBNimbostratus cloudCBarDFunnel