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A vessel’s position should be plotted

A vessel’s position should be plotted using bearings of().

  • Abuoys close at hand
  • Bfixed known objects on shore
  • Cbuoys at a distance
  • DAll of the above

1、Vessels ramaining()a few hours should

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2、Paints and solvents on a vessel should

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3、A navigator fixing a vessel’s position

A navigator fixing a vessel’s position by radar ().Acan use radar information from one object to fix the positionBshould never use radar bea...

4、Vessels should maintain a sharp lookou

Vessels should maintain a sharp lookout,especially during December through March,when navigating the right whale’s only known calving grounds wh...

5、Vessels should be manned()duly qualifi

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6、A towing vessel should be on the crest

A towing vessel should be on the crest of a wave at the same time as its tow and in the trough at the same time. The term used to describe this is().Atow strainBcatenary lengthCbeing in stepDWilliamson's Tow