可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶证书的有效期、展期与更新题库
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()of this Deratting Exemption Certific

()of this Deratting Exemption Certificate is hereby extended until 4th Oct.2007 as the vessel is laden with cargo.

  • AValidity
  • BValid
  • CValidation
  • DThe coming into force

1、()of this deratting exemption certific

()of this deratting exemption certificate is hereby extended until 4th 0ct.1988 as the vessel is laden with cargo.AValidityBValidCValidationDThe coming into force

2、This machine ()out of order very often

This machine ()out of order very often, but now it works well.Ais used to beBwas used to beCused to beDwas used to

3、This graphic shows the results of an

This graphic shows the results of an attempt to open a Telnet connection to router ACCESS1 from router Remote27. Which of the following comman...

4、The annual repair of this year will ()

The annual repair of this year will () at the end of this monthPlease get everything ready.Atake placeBtake overCcarry outDcarry over

5、This kind of material expands()the tem

This kind of material expands()the temperature increasing.AtoBforCwithDat

6、The number of students of this school(

The number of students of this school()large.AareBare notCisn'tDaren't