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What a fine day! Shall we go picnickin

What a fine day! Shall we go picnicking?________. But we need to be home before six o’clock for the football match..

  • A Have a nice time.
  • B Pardon me
  • C That’s great
  • D You are right

考查交际用语。Have a nice time:祝你玩的高兴;pardon me:原谅我;that’s great:那太好了;you are right:你说的对。由问句中的shall we...?可知表示征求意见,由此情景可知此处选C。


1、We shall book a trial order with you,(

We shall book a trial order with you,()goods are competitive in price and of good quality.

2、If weather (), we’ll go for a picnic t

If weather (), we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow. 【permit】  如果天气状况允许,我们明天会去郊游。

3、Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?()

Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?()AIt doesn't matterBThat's nothingCGood ideaDYou're welcome

4、We go to the cinema()a week.

We go to the cinema()a week.AoftenBonceCseldomDusually

5、What do we mean by a perfect English p

What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one (11) there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. N...

6、— What a lovely day! Why not go swimmi

— What a lovely day! Why not go swimming this afternoon? —()ABecause it’s raining.BHave a good time!CWhy do you go swimming?DIt sounds nice