可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶电气与船舶安全题库
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Surface irregularities, such as erosio

Surface irregularities, such as erosion and pitting on injection pump plungers, will()

  • Aincrease ignition delay
  • Baffect fuel oil metering
  • Caffect engine performance at low speed
  • Donly disappear due to fuel oil abrasio

1、All gear, such as pilot ladder, accomm

All gear, such as pilot ladder, accommodation ladder, hoist, etc., necessary for a safe transfer of the pilot is known as().ArigginsBgearsCboarding arrangementsDfitting

2、The author mentions big cities such as

The author mentions big cities such as Tokyo, Singapore and Paris______.A to show that city people all over the world have a lot in commonB ...

3、The words such as quantity, grade, vis

The words such as quantity, grade, viscosity and specific gravity should be in the ().Arepair listBspare parts order listCprice listDbunker list

4、All casualties such as personnel injur

All casualties such as personnel injuries or illness,oil spills,accidental fire,collision,stranding,and unusually severe weather damage,whether a...

5、A / An _ language test, such as IELTS

A / An _ language test, such as IELTS or TOEFL, is developed on the basis of a fixed standard.Aindividual-referencedBpeer-referencedCnorm-referencedDcriterion-referenced

6、Such poets as Shakespeare_________wide

Such poets as Shakespeare_________widely read,of whose works,however,some________difficult to understand.Aare;areBis;isCare;isDis:are