可学答题网 > 问答 > 00522英语国家概况题库
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Land enclosure was a disaster for the(

Land enclosure was a disaster for the()evicted from their land by the enclosures.

  • Alandlords
  • Btenants
  • Cfarmers
  • Dwage laborer

1、The used computer was sold for 3,600 y

The used computer was sold for 3,600 yuan, which was more than its realA worthB priceC valueD cost

2、The child was told to__________for bei

The child was told to__________for being rude to his uncle.AapologizeBexcuseCpardonDpunish

3、The secretary was flied for ______her

The secretary was flied for ______her duty.A neglectingB avoidingC ignoringD missing

4、The goal-keeper was punished for()poss

The goal-keeper was punished for()possession of ballAexclusiveBexecutiveCexcessiveDinclusive

5、Daddy was in a()for several days.

Daddy was in a()for several days.AdramaBcomaCsomaDtome

6、This was disaster on a cosmic scale.

This was disaster on a cosmic scale.AmodestBhugeCcommercialDnational