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Proper lubrication of the main bearing

Proper lubrication of the main bearing is more easily obtained in a single acting four-stroke/cycle diesel engine than in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ()

  • Abearing pressure in a four-stroke\cycle acting single diesel engine is continually reversed
  • Bbearing pressure in a two-stroke\cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversed
  • Cthe maximum bearing pressure is higher in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine
  • Dtwo-stoke/cycle diesel engines require more complicated lubrication piping

1、The main bearings are provided with th

The main bearings are provided with thin-walled (), lined with a copper-lead alloy.Asteel guidesBsteel shellsCsteel bearing capsDpig iro

2、which of the following is the proper p

which of the following is the proper pronunciation of “have to “ as a result of assimilation?A/hef tu/B/hev tu/C/hæf tu/D/hæv tu/

3、The main function of the lubrication s

The main function of the lubrication system in to enable () of a film of oil between the moving parts.Athe informationBthe formationCthe scatterDthe frictio

4、Because of the high loads the bearing

Because of the high loads the bearing material is a tin- aluminum alloy bonded to a steel shellThe crosshead pin is highly polished to a ().Aflat surfaceBmirror finishCsloping surfaceDinclined surface

5、While inspecting the main bearings on

While inspecting the main bearings on a diesel engine you find impregnated dirt and scratches in the bearing surface you would, therefore, susp...

6、The main bearing shells are made of st

The main bearing shells are made of steel with a lining of bearing metal which may be white metal, copper-lead or aluminum-tin alloy What is the meaning of “which” in the sentence above?()Amain bearing shellsBmain bearingCsteelDbearing metal