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To minimize corrosion, fuel oil strain

To minimize corrosion, fuel oil strainer disks, spacers and scraper blades are made of ().

  • Abrass
  • Bcopper
  • Ciron
  • Dmonel metal or stainless steel

1、Fuel oil transfer systems used onboard

Fuel oil transfer systems used onboard diesel propelled vessels are required to have ().Atwo fuel oil transfer pumps provided where one is to...

2、() fuel oils () lubricating oils requi

() fuel oils () lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.ABoth;andBNeither;norCEither;orDBoth;or

3、The fuel oil supply system to an autom

The fuel oil supply system to an automatic auxiliary boiler, will automatically shutdown if the boiler ()Asteam demand is highBsalinity is highCsafety valve simmersDburner flame is extinguished

4、Fuel injectors used in heavy fuel oil

Fuel injectors used in heavy fuel oil systems are usually provided with cooling to reduce().Acold corrosion of the nozzlesBfuel viscosity for better atomizationCcarbon accumulation on the nozzlesDfuel detonation in the cylinder

5、When you are transferring fuel oil to

When you are transferring fuel oil to the setting tanks, precautions to be observed should include ()Aplugging gooseneck tank vents to prevent...

6、In a typical fuel oil system, the oil

In a typical fuel oil system, the oil is stored in tanks in the double bottom from which it is pumped to () and heated.Aa service tankBa collecting tankCa sumpDa settling tank