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The required fireman’s outfits require

The required fireman’s outfits required for ship’s are not to be used for any other purpose EXCEPT for the().

  • Aoxygen and explosion meter when it is used for detection of flare gases
  • Bself-contained breathing apparatus,when used as protection from gas leaking from a refrigeration unit
  • Cboots and gloves that are made of rubber or electrically non-conductive material,if used when repairing electrical equipment
  • Dlifeline,if used by personnel entering a compartment which might be deficient of oxyge

1、Given the following requirements: Cre

Given the following requirements:Create a table to contain employee data, with a unique numeric identifier automatically assigned when a row is ...

2、Each fireman’s outfit and its spare eq

Each fireman’s outfit and its spare equipment on a tanker must be stowed in a(n)().Alocked cabinet in the machinery spaceBunlocked cabinet in the machinery spaceCseparate and accessible locationDlocation near a fire hydrant

3、What is NOT accepted as the required s

What is NOT accepted as the required shipping papers on a manned and loaded tank barge? ()ABill of LadingBManifestCShipping documentDLogbook entry

4、Which is NOT a required entry in the s

Which is NOT a required entry in the ship’s Official Logbook?()ASale of effects of a deceased crew memberBMedical treatment of an injuryCInspections of cargo gearDDrydocking of the vessel

5、Which describes the operation required

Which describes the operation required to move to anew release level of system firmware?()ADeferredBTransientCConcurrentDDisruptive

6、During the required periodic abandon s

During the required periodic abandon ship drill aboard a ship,each person not assigned duties in the muster list is().Ainstructed in the use...