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When cargo is shifted from the main de

When cargo is shifted from the main deck into the lower hold of a vessel,().

  • AThe metacenter will move downward
  • BThe GM will increase
  • CThe center of buoyancy will move upward
  • DThe list of the vesel will become great

1、The tweendecker has()below the main de

The tweendecker has()below the main deck.Aanother deckBtwo other decksCno deckDadditional deck

2、The cargo,when(),should be completely

The cargo,when(),should be completely covered with plastic.AstowBstowingCstowedDbe stowed

3、When the vessel arrives, the cargo of

When the vessel arrives, the cargo of machinery to be unloaded is().Atranspored to the ships sideBtransported into the shedClashed and securedDdelivered to the consignor

4、The selection of an oil from the () de

The selection of an oil from the () depends to a great extent on the operating conditions, the design of the engine and the type of fuel to be burned.Acommercially availableBcommerciallyCcommercial availableDcommerce available

5、When a cargo boom or crane is rated at

When a cargo boom or crane is rated at varying capacities,there will be a table at the controls which relates safe working load to().Awinch speedBboom strengthCload radiusDcable strength

6、The cargo,when(),should be completely

The cargo,when(),should be completely covered with pastic.AstowBstowingCstowedDbe stowed