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An all-round flashing yellow light may

An all-round flashing yellow light may be exhibited by a(n)().

  • Avessel laying cable
  • Bvessel towing a submerged object
  • Cvessel not under command
  • Dair cushion vessel

1、A vessel may exhibit lights other than

A vessel may exhibit lights other than those prescribed by the Rules as long as the additional lights().Aare not the same color as either s...

2、Which vessel may show three lights in

Which vessel may show three lights in a vertical line,the top and bottom being red and the middle being white? ()AA vessel engaged in diving operationsBA pilot vesselCA vessel trawlingDAll of the above

3、A yellow buoy may mark a(n)().

A yellow buoy may mark a(n)().AwreckBshoal areaCanchorage areaDmiddle ground

4、A towing light is a yellow light havin

A towing light is a yellow light having the same characteristics as a(n)()Aspecial flashing lightBanchor lightCsternlightDmasthead light

5、A flashing light is a light that().

A flashing light is a light that().Aflashes at regular intervals at a frequency of 120 flashes or more per minuteBis yellow in colorCis visible over an arc of the horizon of not less than 180°nor more than 225°DAll of the above

6、A vessel showing a yellow light over a

A vessel showing a yellow light over a white light at night is a vessel().Aengaged in pilotingBtowing asternCengaged in fishingDin distre